Everyone needs to take time for themselves. Parents often forget to do this because they feel that they have to make sure their children have everything they need, and they are giving them their time, love, and affection. On top of that, you are trying to make a living by working. Working requires a lot of your time and attention. If a person continues to go, go, go and do, do, do for their children, job, etc., they will eventually burn out.
Currently, my day is all about my children. I am their mother, teacher, cafeteria worker, nurse, recess monitor, and whatever else comes with the territory. While doing all of this, I am also trying to run successful businesses. I am not complaining; I love my kids. I enjoy being their mom and teacher. I love what I do for my businesses. I, however, forgot to take time for myself. In doing this, I became overwhelmed, irritable, moody, frustrated, and the list goes on. My body began to tell me in its own way that I needed to slow down before it broke down. I didn't always listen, but I am slowly learning.
I have heard people say; that we are our worst critics, this is so true. I put so much on myself that it is not funny. Then I get upset with myself when goals are not met according to my timeline, which can be unrealistically set. I wonder if I did the right thing by homeschooling my children. Yes, I have the background and education to perform that task, but I still second guess myself. Many thoughts race through my mind about if I am qualified to do what I am doing, homeschooling, running a business, etc. Eventually, I have to quiet the thoughts and remind myself of who I am and whose I am (A Child of the Most High), preachy I know, but it is the truth. I know that God won't put more on me than I can bear. I believe that God has given me these dreams, visions, and desires. So I know that he will guide and direct my steps.
I had to change my behaviors and thought patterns to take time to unwind. I had to begin to set achievable goals; by planning and working out the details of new ventures and not just rushing new ideas. I am learning that things will be ok if I leave them for the next day to get done. I have realized that I am doing a great job homeschooling my children, and I am an awesome mom and wife. Now that I know these things, I can sit back, breathe, and take time for myself. I need to make sure that I am at my best physically and mentally. If I don't take time for myself now, I will not be any good to others later.
Remember to Take Time to Unwind.
Evenings With Yourself. Try to save certain weeknights just for you. ...
Monthly Treat. Schedule a treat for yourself once a month. ...
Buy Tickets in Advance. ...
Leave Work on Time.
Join a Group. ...
Take an Adult Education Class. ...
Exercise. ...
Sis, thank you for your post. The Most High is reminding me to take care of myself so I can be present for my husband and child for many many years to come. ❤️